SSP: Safe and Sound Protocol

Creating Safety Through the Autonomic Nervous System to Support Healing

The first step towards true healing is feeling safe. The evidence-based, non-invasive Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) is designed to help you achieve just that by resetting your nervous system and returning it to a state of safety.


The protocol uses specially filtered music to stimulate the vagus nerve. It helps you tune into safety cues, allowing for the repatterning of neural networks and improved autonomic nervous system regulation. You will listen through headphones alongside a provider, either in-person or remotely. People with trauma and anxiety have seen significant benefits from this protocol. Clients have experienced improved auditory processing, social engagement behaviors, and behavioral state regulation. This translates to better resilience, collaboration, and connection.


We custom-create programs tailored to your unique circumstances, which can be administered remotely or in person, and can be incorporated with bodywork and coaching. It is necessary and paramount that the process takes place within a container of support.


Our protocol is based on the Polyvagal theory, which explains how our nervous system registers the impacts of our surrounding environment. Trauma can cause the nervous system to become dysregulated, making it difficult to self-regulate and return to a healthy ventral vagal state. This is where the SSP comes in. By creating safety, we can support your nervous system in returning to a state of connection and engagement with the world.

We understand that getting out of an immobilized, shut-down state can be challenging, so we always ensure that the SSP is done within a container of safety and support. The results provide a foundation for true healing and a healthier future. If you are interested, explore the research and case studies that have been done.

Ventral Vagal:

I feel connected to the world


I need to run or fight

Dorsal Vagal:

I can’t cope. I’m collapsed and shut down

The SSP In Action:

  • The neural networks associated with listening are stimulated. This interrupts chronic states of the nervous system defense.

  • Algorithmically filtered music focused on the frequency range of the human voice is used, altering the way sounds are interpreted.

  • The nervous system is ushered out of a defensive (fight, flight or freeze) state and into a socially engaged (ventral vagal) state.

Components of the Program

  • Psychoeducation: We educate you on how your mind and body work so you can understand and participate fully in the process. This knowledge is key to lasting change and transformation.

  • Delivery and Co-Regulation: We provide a supportive and safe environment for your journey, working with you to regulate your nervous system and manage any emotional triggers that may arise.

  • Monitoring: We establish an infrastructure of support before delivery so that you can have the best outcomes. We will monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments along the way.

  • Post-Program Support: Follow-up is essential since the effects of the process can sometimes be greater afterward. We provide continued support to ensure that you maintain your gains and achieve lasting well-being.

This is an individualized process. The experience of listening, supporting, and processing varies for each person. It is tailored to your needs, experiences, and nervous system response.

Time Commitment: We value your time and understand that this is a journey. Our minimum time commitment is between 7 to 10 hours, distributed in listening times ranging from 5 minutes to 1 hour at a time.

Flexibility: We work around your schedule and adapt to your pace. The process is not done all at once but spread out to allow for optimal integration and understanding. This can be done in person or remotely but requires working closely together. 

Investment in Yourself: This is an investment in yourself and your well-being. The time and effort put into this process typically yield profound results in your life.

This program includes the following:

  • We take a personal approach to SSP delivery. As a transformative and powerful tool, we respect the impact it can have. Especially if this is the first time you are working with us, it is important for us to understand your background, goals, challenges, etc., that you face. This will inform how the SSP is delivered. A one-hour phone call will be devoted to understanding your unique circumstances, sharing set-up information for the process, answering any questions, and setting a timeline and plan for execution.

  • Based on the initial intake call, we will develop a plan of implementation and listening. This is a fluid process and can change while experiencing the protocol. We will provide guidelines and a proposed plan and modify it as needed.

  • You will get access to the proprietary SSP protocol. This protocol is not available anywhere outside of a certified SSP practitioner. Access is only for the duration of the program.

  • You will have access to an online journal, where you will note your feelings, emotions, and physical effects as you go through the SSP protocol and the time in between listening sessions. These will be looked at and responded to with support and guidance. You will also have access to text support.

  • IDPH Coaching is integral to this process as the SSP can bring up trauma, realizations, and personal memories that can affect you. Having support is the way to process what you experience and continue the process successfully with the greatest impact and healthy integration.