The Union Of Knowledge, Intuition, And Heart.

Divine Journey and the work that I do utilizes the ancient wisdom of Ayurvedic medicine, supporting all aspects of a person's being. Ayurveda recognizes that true health is achieved by treating the personal as a whole - mind, body and spirit - and by finding balance within ourselves and with the world around us. To this work, I bring compassion and understanding to enable the emergence of our happiest, healthiest, most content and peaceful selves.


The Union Of Knowledge, Intuition, And Heart.

Divine Journey and the work that I do utilizes the ancient wisdom of Ayurvedic medicine, supporting all aspects of a person's being. Ayurveda recognizes that true health is achieved by treating the personal as a whole - mind, body and spirit - and by finding balance within ourselves and with the world around us. To this work, I bring compassion and understanding to enable the emergence of our happiest, healthiest, most content and peaceful selves.


Women Are The Cornerstone Of Our Very Existence

Hello, I am Viji Natarajan, a passionate women’s health expert and mentor. My life’s mission is to create a healthier world by paving the way for women’s wellness.

Throughout my life, I have chased moments of impact and connection. I’ve fed empty stomachs in Boston shelters, embraced and empowered battered women on hotlines, stimulated curious and impoverished young minds in Samoan classrooms, given hope to those whose lives were wrecked by a Tsunami in rural South India, discovered needed medicines in medicinal chemistry labs, and replaced illness with health through Ayurveda and its allied sciences. Each experience has contributed to the birth of Divine Journey, a multimodal approach to wellness, healing, and joy. Just as the sun’s rays hit a prism and illuminate the different colors of the rainbow, our own being must be looked at, understood, and addressed from every dimension to create optimal health.

Along my journey, I’ve come to understand that the thread weaving through our existence is our need to feel safe, have peace of mind, a strong healthy body, and a connection to the beauty in the world around us.

My early years at Wellesley College, an amazing women’s college, were transformative. I was among high achieving, brilliant women who celebrated one another, and the sky was our limit. This experience sparked my interest in being part of the movement that honors and uplifts women.

As a scientist at Pfizer, Inc., I studied and advanced medicinal approaches to healing from a Western perspective. While Western medicine can solve problems on the surface, I felt an intense pull to get to the heart and root of an illness and Ayurveda was the clear answer.

Ayurveda, in Sanskrit, means “The Science of Life.” It originated in India more than 5,000 years ago and is often called the “Mother of All Healing.” It emphasizes prevention and how to create balance of body, mind, and consciousness according to one’s own individual constitution.

I believe it’s important to understand all approaches to healing. By doing so, we can empower ourselves to make the best decisions for our health.

Today, as a Certified Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist and NAMA Ayurvedic Doctor, Intuitive Healer, Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner Candidate, DONA Certified Birth Doula, Certified Massage Therapist, Certified Yoga Teacher, Reiki and CST practitioner, and former scientist, I am committed to helping my clients understand themselves on a deeper level. I am here to guide and support you on your journey to optimal health and wellness.



Why People Choose Viji



Uses an innovative approach to physical, behavioral, and spiritual change that draws from techniques in the ancient Ayurvedic sciences, Allopathic sciences, body and energy work.


Sees you as whole and capable, providing the tools and resources that empower you to come through your challenges with grace and ease.


Leverages an extraordinary ability and gift to understand and communicate with your body so that every path to healing is precise and personalized to every individual.



Supports thousands of women to give birth to their own desires and cultivate sustainable physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.


Facilitates the recognition that the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual bodies form an interwoven and unified energetic system


Communicates with ease and empathy, making complex ideas simple and recommending solutions that are easy to follow and workable within modern life.

“We have been socialized to think that wellness means indulgence, but it is truly a matter of existence.”


“We have been socialized to think that wellness means indulgence, but it is truly a matter of existence.”