She has the ability to be a bridge between the best of western society and eastern tradition…

My experience with Laxmi underscored why having someone who knows and understands you (maybe even more than yourself) is critical. Laxmi had multiple day labor where cervical dilation didn't move past 1cm for three days after her water broke! In most hospital scenarios, this would have led to an automatic c-section. I had been texting her doctor from the time her water broke. His trust in me, "Bring her in any time you think its best," and our joint faith in her ability to labor and give birth vaginally was vital. All other hospital staff was threatening c-section from early on.

The mind-body connection is critical to consider. Understanding and addressing a person through various lenses and perspectives helps them to circumnavigate seemingly impossible circumstances. When I identified the block that was hindering the process, she was 8cm dilated within minutes after three days of medication and zero change in dilation! She delivered her baby a short time later.

"Without her, I would have had a c-section."

 Most people understand that having a birth coach for your first birth is reasonable. Why would you procure help the second time if you have already been successful before? Recognizing the value and profound impact support can have on an outcome is vital. As humans, our health and wellbeing are always changing. Ayurveda moves along with the person and supports you as circumstances change in your life. Having someone who holds you accountable and is available to you, as a champion and coach, can make the difference between a problematic and smooth pregnancy and labor.

When many factors are unknown in all pregnancies, having reliable guidance brings peace of mind and reassurance.


Viji has helped me to realize the potential for who I truly am and begun a rebirth of myself…


Her approach is holistic, deeply rooted in evidence based methods and underpinned with a spiritual connection to one’s self.