Viji is definitely a miracle…

This is one of the most incredible fertility stories. Anupama came to me after unsuccessfully trying ten years to have a baby. When she did come to me, she was in the middle of another miscarriage. The fertility specialist she had spent hundreds of thousands of dollars with told her that the only way she would have a baby was to either adopt or procure a surrogate. In no uncertain terms, he said to her that she would never get pregnant naturally.

Three months into her fertility journey with me, she not only became pregnant naturally, on her own, with no medications, but she also carried to term and had a beautiful little girl!

As Anupama said, this journey was not easy. She may not have taken hormonal shots every day, but the work we did challenge her on every level. After starting with the Ayurvedic Analysis, she diligently followed every recommendation that I made. For our coaching sessions, even though, at times, she questioned me relentlessly. “What does this have to do with getting me pregnant?,” she still followed through. In the end, everything in her life changed, and she was able to do what was considered impossible!


Viji’s suggestions, guidance and coaching is what made me and my husband realize that birth can be so beautiful.


As an Ayurvedic doctor, she helps you create a plan to get your body and mind healthier and stronger for childbirth.