I am now walking that clear path forward with my health…


When I reached out to Viji, I was deep into my healing journey healing cancer and things seemed to be getting better, but that month my health was taking a turn for the worse. I felt stuck and unclear because I felt I was doing all I could to support my well-being. I needed someone I could trust to take an objective look on how to best move forward in my life. 

Viji took the time and care to ask me questions so that she could understand my situation fully. After taking time to meditate on my situation, she shared her recommendations and provided tools, with so much clarity and love. My soul needed to hear these messages in that moment. Messages that I knew deep down, but needed to be reminded of. They landed gently home in my being. The changes recommended were necessary for me to course correct and, though these changes were challenging, it remained as a clear signpost on my journey forward. I am now walking that clear path forward with my health. 

Viji has an innate ability to see her client as just that -- a soul on a journey -- and to provide guidance at that soul level using both a deep attunement to her intuition and the knowledge she has mastered in Ayurveda and Jyotish over the years. A beautiful combination! She adeptly sees and moves towards what needs to be done and what needs to be shared. She does so selflessly and without a need for recognition.

-Efan Chan


Viji’s suggestions, guidance and coaching is what made me and my husband realize that birth can be so beautiful.