Ayurvedic Analysis

Understand Yourself on the Deepest Level

Tired of being dismissed and told that the only solution is birth control or to just deal with your symptoms? Stop feeling like your body has failed you and start taking control of your health.

Unfortunately, the modern medical system is broken. You see your provider for quick visits; you are seen only as your symptoms and the only option given to get better is either strong medication, antibiotics, or a slew of supplements. If your issues don’t fit into their diagnosis-determining making model, you’re put into the “unknown origin” bin and left feeling lost and hopeless. Even if you have a “straightforward” issue, not all headaches should be treated with the same remedy. You must understand why you have it and address the root cause.

Our comprehensive Ayurvedic Health Analysis prioritizes finding the root cause of your symptoms over masking them. We’ve had clients come to us being prescribed 25 plus supplements. Addressing their gut, healing digestion, and incorporating simple practices addressing the root cause eliminated the myriad of “issues” they were diagnosed with, and they no longer “needed” their supplements.

Be empowered to hold the reins of your health!

We start with a detailed medical intake, including a review of your current symptoms, past medical history, family history, and lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise habits, sleep patterns, stress levels, and exposure to environmental toxins. We will also review pivotal moments in your life to understand their impact on your health.

Based on this information, an in-depth synthesis of cause, effect, and influence will be presented. We have training in Western and functional medicine and can help you to understand what is happening in your body from many perspectives. We also understand that you will have your preferences and can modify plans as needed.

We will develop and outline an individualized treatment plan unique to your needs and goals. Our approach emphasizes a whole-person approach to health and wellness, incorporating dietary and lifestyle changes, nutritional supplements, herbal remedies, and other natural therapies to promote optimal health and wellness.

In Ayurvedic medicine, we understand that healing protocols can and should change with time and seasons. The diet and herbs given in the summer will differ from those in the winter, and certain practices are more effective when performed at specific times of the day. Even breathing practices are not all equal and can have drastically different effects on the body. All these factors are considered when creating your treatment plan.

Lifestyle practices are crucial for addressing the root cause of your health concerns, affecting every system, from the digestive to the reproductive. Believe it or not, lifestyle practices affect the gut. The gut is the most important component of healing. For example, when a provider hopes to lift depression by prescribing an antidepressant or exogenous serotonin to a person with a compromised gut lining, this strategy simply will not work. The body is unable to absorb or assimilate the medication appropriately. Instead, we focus on healing the gut lining and enabling the body to naturally produce and absorb serotonin and other necessary chemicals to feel good.

Gain clarity and renewed hope, feel better, and live your best life through the Ayurvedic Analysis!

This Package Includes the following:

  • If you’ve filled out an intake at a doctor’s office, you know these can be annoying. However, your answers are not just going to be glossed over. We are not just interested in whether you had a UTI last year, but we take a very detailed look at your entire health history. This includes when you were born, any circumstances around your birth, and at every other time in your life. It does require some time to fill out, but it is well worth your while. You will never have anyone ask you more and care more about who you are as a whole person. Everything that has happened to you informs the current environment in your body, and this environment informs your future health. This comprehensive and detailed medical intake captures your health and emotional history. This matters to us. We have a one-hour phone call to review your form. We then continue to ensure we have received all information relevant to understanding who you are and how your body ticks. This is done by follow-up text through our online portal.

  • If you have it, we will look at it. We promise this will never happen elsewhere. Every lab test has a range of normal to abnormal. However, the devil is in the details. We look carefully at your test results - not just from the last six months but whatever you have from your entire history. We often find things totally missed and frankly dismissed by providers as normal since it’s only “borderline.” Based on a thorough analysis, we take all of this info to synthesize a complete understanding of you and how your body functions.

  • Unique to Ayurveda are certain diagnostic tests that give greater clarity (without being invasive) to certain issues present in the body. We can understand digestive dysbiosis, the presence of yeast, emotional and physical taxation on the body, and many other things. We will include these in our diagnostic assessment.

  • You will receive a printed and electronic copy of The "Book of You." This 20-30 page document looks at you as a whole person from birth. It will outline your Ayurvedic body constitution, address aspects of your mind, provide your current imbalances, and speak about the reasons for the health issues you may be experiencing and any potential future health issues that could arise. It will discuss how you got to this place and systematically describe how you can create change and positive health.

    You will be given a detailed plan on how you can start to address the imbalances present. This will always begin with digestion and the gut, the most important part of our health. You will be given guidelines on how to address any digestive disturbances, a food guidelines document, and the advice and understanding that we do not want to put you in food prison. However, as circumstances and seasons change, so can your diet. This is the beauty of Ayurveda. If any supplements are required, we will suggest these. Lifestyle practices are critical because filling a bank account from one side and withdrawing from it on the other is not helpful in keeping your internal health savings balance high! What you do on the outside can affect what happens on the inside. These can include practices such as self-massage, and specific oils will be recommended depending on your constitution and imbalance. Other practices can include different breathing exercises (not all are created equal) and meditation practices. Other exercises to address specific emotional and physical blocks will also be given. Ayurveda, Yoga, Pranayama, etc., are all Vedic sciences; you will get guidance on these.

    You will receive recommendations to address daily life, mindfulness, sleep, and the mind. We will provide you with your unique plan depending on your unique circumstances and makeup.

  • A full, one-hour, personalized phone call will be devoted to a detailed walk-through of your Report of Findings. You will have our undivided attention and get clarity on your health, receive the next steps on a path forward, and get answers to your questions.

  • You will have access to one week of private text support via our online portal, access to journals, and one more 1:1 private session to connect, clarify questions, and help troubleshoot any issues you are facing.

We have created this program to be stand-alone so that those motivated and able to take the direction and run with it can. Most clients get the fastest and greatest changes in how their body feels and relief from symptoms and illness through continued support and accountability. This is done through the Ayurvedic Healing Program, which includes the Ayurvedic Analysis and a strong infrastructure of support and follow-up over four months.