Pregnancy & Birth Support

Customized support for you, your growing child, and their entry into the world

Transform your pregnancy journey into an empowering, nurturing, and enjoyable experience with our comprehensive pregnancy and birth support program.

It's crucial for you to realize that you bear the immense power and responsibility of shaping your child's health. What you do before and during pregnancy significantly impacts the life growing within you. It's not solely about consuming organic food or engaging in prenatal yoga. Energetic imbalances in the body can lead to the internal dysfunction of organ systems that may manifest in the distant future. Still, you have the power to prevent these issues now! Therefore, preparing for a baby extends far beyond creating a birth plan or deciding on an epidural. The consequences of neglecting self-care during pregnancy will manifest during childbirth, the postpartum period, and in your baby’s well-being.

I’ve created a program that takes a targeted and holistic approach, considering your entire state of health, including your energy, spirit, and overall well-being.

We'll provide customized and holistic support through your pregnancy using Ayurvedic medicine and techniques such as pranayam, mindfulness, bodywork, and coaching. The key to our work is understanding that things change with time, and we are there to navigate the changes as you move through your journey.

We aim to ensure you and your baby have the most healthy, sacred, and nurturing experience possible.

You are both a beautiful garden, and it's Gardner. I am your landscape architect, helping you plan and design your health by taking care of yourself, your baby, and its birth into this world.

The work that we do not only encompasses preparation for labor but also aims to create optimum mental, physical, and spiritual health.

“Viji is the walking encyclopedia for births. Her knowledge of Ayurveda, combined with her experience and passion for helping others, sets her apart from everybody else. Viji is the kind of person who values your money, and the level of service she provides is extraordinary. She gives a customized plan for every client based on their health issues and emotional state. Recorded meditations, yoga, exercises, diet, everything was customized. She was there for me in every possible way. She is my Google and Wiki! I followed whatever she said, and I didn't have any complications and had a very easy VBAC! Viji helped me emotionally throughout the pregnancy and supported me in every possible way! I feel more confident about myself, and she not only helped me but the whole family!”

My proven methodology has yielded amazing results; you will not feel alone through this engagement. We believe it's crucial for you to feel empowered during this time, and we'll be there for you every step of the way.

After over a decade of supporting women, I have been blessed to achieve a c-section rate of less than 1% within my clientele and have women rise out of birth without trauma. It's unsatisfactory to me that women may "learn the second time around" and seek support.

Let's embark on the journey of creating joy in childbirth and achieving better outcomes."

Our package includes the following:

  • Every strong structure must have an even stronger foundation. Without understanding how your body works and how you can support it, you cannot create the strongest foundation for your pregnancy and baby. Everything you do during pregnancy affects your baby, so this is critical.

    The Ayurvedic Analysis is THE first step in your pregnancy and health journey. The in-depth analysis you get will outline what you need to do to support your pregnancy, minimize complications, deal with your pesky symptoms, and set the best foundation of health for your baby.

    Through this program, you will get support on the implementation and troubleshooting throughout our entire time together. We challenge you to find this type of support anywhere else! You won’t find it!

  • From the time we start working together, you will not feel alone in this journey. Undoubtedly, unexpected things will pop up, and when they do, we can troubleshoot them.

    You may need validation or to alleviate some doubts you may have. Everyone is different, whether it is your first or fourth time pregnant. Your friend or aunty may have had one type of experience, but theirs is only one example and theirs alone. Each pregnancy is different.

  • You will not just be a number or a belly. Having someone with an eagle eye on you is invaluable to ensure you don’t forget or go unprepared for the various milestones and testing during pregnancy.

  • Coaching sessions are included to address any mindset and other obstacles in your way. This is a type of internal family systems type of work but that is proprietary to Divine Journey and the Ayurvedic work initially done during the analysis. It will help you to understand from where your imbalances can arise from.

  • We will have four 1 hour Prenatal Meetings to cover every topic necessary so that you can be fully prepared for your labor. More importantly, every topic covered will make you feel more confident about the process even before it begins! Each class will be recorded so that you always can re-listen and refresh your knowledge.

    These meetings are critical because you will learn the subtle nuances that can influence your journey. Topics are wide-ranged and will cover early pregnancy to postpartum.

  • Being connected to your body and your baby is crucial during pregnancy. Our specialized bodywork will help to ease any pain or tension that you may feel, practice both breathing and control of the body through breathing, and address any mental artifacts lodged in the physical body. These 1 hour Ayurvedic Oil Massages are infused with various energetic modalities.

  • Didn’t you ever wish you had someone who could understand what you do daily and see if it is helping or hindering you from accomplishing your goals? Without data or knowing what contributes to any symptomology you are experiencing, we cannot make a contextual solution. And context is everything!

    Through our private online portal, you can note down various components of your health, both physical and mental. We will continually monitor various aspects such as hunger, diet, sugar numbers, elimination, moods, etc., and comment on these to support you and problem-solve when needed.

    This is also very useful, especially when trying to avoid late-stage complications that, without this oversight, may blindside them.

    Our journal allows personalized healthcare decisions, better communication, and improved outcomes.

  • Have a direct line to your practitioner. This is the critical part of modern medical practice that is missing: connection with your care provider.

    You will be able to send updates, ask questions, share additional lab results, and message for quick questions. It is so important to be able to receive clarifications and can take feedback and create actionable progress toward your question and goals.

  • The significance of having the right team by your side cannot be overstated, as it can significantly alter the outcome. Most people make decisions based on the hospital's proximity or the convenience of the practitioner's location. You, too, maybe think you want to choose the hospital that is closest to you because you don’t want your partner to deliver your baby in the car! But that rarely happens!

    The truth is that both pregnancy and birth are governed by multifactoral equations (we love math!). The factors are not all weighted equally.

    We will take the guesswork out of this for you. Let us do the math. You tell us what you want and we will help you to get the best team to ensure you reach your goals or have the best chance of doing so!

  • Knowledge is power! Be empowered with the knowledge and skills necessary to make informed decisions and have a positive birth experience.

    You will be enrolled in our online comprehensive Childbirth Education video series. It is designed to prepare expectant parents for labor and delivery by providing them with a thorough understanding of the entire childbirth process. The course covers a wide range of topics, including anatomy and physiology, stage gates, decision-making, pain management techniques, baby positioning, common interventions, etc.

  • It breaks a practitioner’s heart when people go through Instagram and google to diagnose or understand themselves. The problem is every symptom leads you down a dreary path that isn’t always correct.

    Let us support you through evidence-based information and resources that have been vetted and thoroughly examined. It will be quick, so you don’t have to waste your time.

    We will support you in whatever decision you make, but we will always provide you with both sides of an issue so you can make the best decision for yourself that fits your specific circumstances.

  • We believe that simplicity often beats complexity in many things! Strength and flexibility are so integral for a pregnant mom. We will share with you a beautiful, simple routine to create openness and flexibility in the body.

  • A good dress rehearsal has its benefits! We will ensure you are fully prepared for the scenarios that could arise. We will go over and practice everything related to pain management during early labor, heading to the hospital or birthplace to pushing and delivery.

    We cannot tell you how many people recount their first or friend’s story of pushing for hours or how they thought the epidural made pushing harder. We have an unbelievable track record of even first-time moms pushing in less than 30 minutes!

    Bottom line: You will be prepared!

  • I will be there for you before, during, and immediately after your labor, helping you decipher early signs, progressing and navigating early labor, and managing pain during your delivery. You will have me to strategize, troubleshoot, and navigate anything that comes your way, making the best decisions for yourself and your baby. After birth, I will help you to transition into postpartum and breastfeeding.

  • The postpartum period is crucial for mothers as their bodies undergo significant physical and hormonal changes. Ayurvedic postpartum care supports the mother's physical and emotional healing through diet, lifestyle recommendations, herbal remedies, and bodywork. This approach can help alleviate postpartum symptoms such as fatigue, anxiety, depression, and digestive issues and improve overall health and vitality. The information you receive will support your ability to bond with your baby and establish a healthy breastfeeding relationship.

  • We have compiled guidelines and recipes that can support your body as it heals. Most issues babies face, especially digestive, can be rectified through a mother’s diet. Having this resource can be a source of comfort.

  • After the birth of your baby, I will join you at home for personalized postpartum, breastfeeding, and healing support. We will ensure you are healing well and answer all your questions about you and your baby. You will have two weeks of portal text support to answer any other questions.

  • Finally, you will be given three 15-minute troubleshooting phone calls during your postpartum time to help with making decisions, answering questions, or helping with what to do. These will only be taken during business hours. These calls will be initiated by texting through my portal to indicate you would like support, and I will call you.

Desired Outcomes:

Our approach ensures that you:

  • Understand how your unique body functions and how to support it

  • Learn what to do to support your pregnancy and your baby's growth and development

  • Know the foods, practices, and lifestyles that are best

  • Work through your concerns and have less anxiety and fear

  • Foresee any complications and actively work to avoid them

  • Have a partner, expert, and guide throughout your journey

  • You will be fully prepared for pregnancy stage gates

  • Be prepared for the testing during pregnancy

  • You will be aware of the best options for your circumstances

  • You will know all the choices available to you at birth

  • You will be prepared for labor

  • You will be able to make better decisions

  • You will gain more confidence in yourself

  • Your partner will feel empowered to support you

  • know what to expect at the hospital during the big day

  • You will have less anxiety

  • You will decrease your chances of having a traumatic birth and PTSD

  • You will decrease your chances of having a C-section

  • Be empowered for the postpartum

Don't leave your pregnancy journey to chance. Let us help you create the most nurturing and empowering experience possible for you and your baby.

Desired Outcomes:

Our approach ensures that you:

  • Understand how your unique body functions and how to support it

  • Learn what to do to support your pregnancy and your baby's growth and development

  • Know the foods, practices, and lifestyles that are best

  • Create optimum mental, physical, and spiritual health within you

  • Feel nourished in your body

  • Gain more confidence in yourself

  • Work through your concerns and have less anxiety and fear

  • Foresee any complications and actively work to avoid them

  • Have a partner, expert, and guide throughout your journey

  • Be aware of the choices you have

  • Be prepared for the testing during pregnancy

  • Know what to expect at the hospital during the big day

  • Be advocated for, supported by, and ushered through labor and birth

  • Be empowered for the postpartum

  • Have a non-traumatic and transformational experience of motherhood

Don't leave your pregnancy journey to chance. Let us help you create the most nurturing and empowering experience possible for you and your baby.